Chronic Dehydration

Chronic dehydration affects everyone who does not drink enough fluids.

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Home » Chronic Dehydration

12 symptoms of chronic dehydration

12 symptoms of chronic dehydration

The symptoms described in “Dehydration Symptoms and Signs” article are apparent.

However, there is chronic form of dehydration with no acute symptoms. Today chronic dehydration is a common condition and affects everyone who does not drink enough fluids.

Most people believe that they have nothing to do with dehydration. They believe dehydration is something like a problem faced by a traveler with no water in the desert.

Here is a list of twelve symptoms of dehydration. Read it and you’ll want to drink a glass of water right now. And then another. And another…

Exhaustion, lack of energy. Dehydration reduces tissue enzymatic activity.

Constipation. Normally the food getting to the intestinal tract contains much water. The intestine walls absorb the water and also absorb the nutrients dissolved in the water to supply the body with the both. The rest of the food that was not absorbed turns into the stool. If you don’t drink water enough the intestine takes too much water from the stool that leads to constipation.

Eating disorders. Chronic dehydration reduces the digestive juices secretion as digestive juiced contain water.

Low or high blood pressure. The blood volume is insufficient to fill all the arteries, veins and capillaries of the body. It results in low pressure or if the body reacts by constricting the arteries than in high pressure.

Gastritis, gastric ulcer. To protect the stomach wall from injury by gastric acid, the stomach is lined with mucous membrane which contains 98% of water. Its structure is deteriorated in the case of dehydration leading to poor protective action.

Problems with the respiratory system. Mucous membranes of respiratory system should be slightly humidified in order to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances contained in the inhaled air.

Improper acid-alkaline balance. Dehydration slows down excretion of water with the unnecessary substances away from the body.

Extra weight and obesity. We often overeat because we need water contained in food. Thirst is often confused with hunger.

Eczema. Your body requires minimum one liter of water daily to dilute the toxins, skin irritants.

Cholesterol. When the cells are losing water, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.

Cystitis, infections of the urinary canal. If toxins in the urine are not sufficiently diluted with water, they destroy the mucous membrane of urinary channel.

Rheumatism. Because dehydration increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluid, the more toxins, the stronger the pain.


  • Lisa said:

    This is life saving information: life- money- AND time- saving advice. How many people have forgotten that nature has provided everything we need and man intervenes with nonsense designed to make himself money and steal the glory but not heal his fellow man. Very sad. EDUCATION is the key. Thank you for educating people.

  • Dehydration said:

    You didn’t say a word about salt. It’s such a common spice and a #1 enemy in fighting dehydration. Most of people eat salt, because it highlights food’s taste and some of them even drink salty water in order to be healthier (you’ve probably heard about that lemon and salty water detox diet). And if a person doesn’t balance his diet (including any liquid intake) consequences may be sad. To be sure you eat right and drink enough water, check out this article: It can help you prevent these dehydration symptoms.

  • Mustapha Hakeem Adeshile said:

    Thanks alot for educating me via this. What is the cure, probably the solution to this chronic dehydration.
    Please kindly reply me

  • Lita said:

    Salt is not the enemy, it is an ally. I suffer from chronic dehydration, and my doctor recommended extra salt, because it causes cells to retain water.

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