Chronic Dehydration

Chronic dehydration affects everyone who does not drink enough fluids.

Dehydration Effects

The effects of dehydration and diseases caused by dehydration.

Dehydration Facts

Dehydration definition, its causes and mechanism. How alcohol causes dehydration.

Dehydration In Children

Symptoms of dehydration in children. When you should call the doctor.

Dehydration Symptoms

All dehydration symptoms and signs. Severe symptoms of dehydration.

Home » Dehydration Treatment

Treatment of mild and secondary dehydration

Mild or moderate dehydration can be cured at home if you drink more fluids. Treatment of average and severe dehydration includes intravenous fluids injection and hospitalization.

Dehydration is very dangerous for children and elderly people. The greatest danger is for the newborn. Pay attention to the symptoms carefully, dehydration can be caused by strong fever, nausea or diarrhea.

Normalizing the water content in the body of dehydrated person is the main objective of the treatment.

If dehydration occurs, it is recommended:

  • Drinking water in small sips.
  • Drinks with the content of carbohydrates/ electrolytes. Sports drinks, for example. The water is better absorbed with small amount of necessary salts and nutrients.
  • To try frozen juice, ice chips, if the body is also overheated.
  • Drinking through a straw.

Try to cool a feverish person with the following ways:

  • Remove excess clothing and loosen the rest.
  • The rooms with air conditioners are the best option for rapid normalization of body temperature.
  • If there is no air conditioner, the victim should sit near the fan or in the shade, it is desirable to wrap him/her into a wet towel.
  • If possible, use a bottle with a nozzle to spray water and cool the body.
  • Avoid excessive cooling, do not apply big chunks of ice for a long time, otherwise the constriction of blood vessels will slow down the normalization of the temperature

One Comment »

  • roxy said:

    i think i am dehydrated and its like midnight and i cant fall asleep and im on a trip tomorrow….ahhhgh! my symptoms:
    -pain in abdomen
    -muscle aches

    am i dehydrated? or do i have some other illness? my dad said to take some benadryl…but it doesnt seem to be helping….agh!

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