Why in joint diseases you should drink at short intervals

Any treatment including joints treatment must be started with drinking. Basically, every morning, even in healthy people, must be started with a drop of water.
Cold compresses and bathes treat the joints on the outside – the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, whereas water treats on the inside – vessels and organs. Keep in mind that human body is about 80% water, so, you should drink much liquid. Yogis believe that it is necessary to drink not less than 12 glasses of water a day in addition to soups and fruits. Doctors believe that drinking at least a liter of water before breakfast is useful for one and all, not only for people who suffer from different diseases but also for healthy people. Of course, it is not psychologically easy to drink plain water, and then you can have white tea in the morning, and the more the better.
Many teas and herbal teas contain a diversity of components that improve vascular tone and elasticity, contribute to cell’s renewal and help to relax. If you take vitamins and eat more fruits and vegetables it can replace many medicines that are prescribed for a so called joint renewal. Although, a question may arise as to a dose. In this case an individual approach is required. Drink at short intervals but little, that is have a cup of tea at a time but sip slowly. The most important thing is that you shouldn’t feel dryness of your tongue and mouth. Look at your desires and needs of your body.
How water and tea actually effect out joints? It may seem that they are a far cry one from another, but in fact a joint is composed of muscles, ligaments and joint fluid. An invertebral disc is 84 percent water and it suffers much in case of water shortage. If an invertebral disc is dehydrated it begins to ruin gradually and even can disappear completely.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and drink little water (less than 8 glasses a day) not only you muscles, tendons and ligaments will dry, but also your cartilages that obtain water via a so called muscle pump. Therefore, osteochondrosis arthritis and arthrosis are results of the body’s dehydration. The older you are the more liquid you need. Of course, without working of your muscles and “pumps” and doing exercises the right water schedule will not help much, yet, it plays an important role. So, drink not less than 8 glasses of water, tea or herbal tea daily. And don’t forget about exercises! At least 20 minutes a day.
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