When, what and how much to drink?
How much liquid does our body require to be healthy?
Constant water deficit can lead to constipations
Water makes up about 70% of a human’s body mass. Water deficit affects condition of all organs; they receive less nutritious substances that they actually need. Function of the kidneys worsens as they cannot withstand the loads; this causes accumulation of harmful substances in the body. You get tired faster and complain of headaches. Many put these complaints down to lack of sleep and stress.
Constant water deficit can lead to constipations. For the same reason calculi can appear in the kidneys and in the gall bladder. Dehydration also affects our appearance: the nails stratify, the hair weaken and the skin scales and becomes dry. However, people often go the other extreme thinking that the more they drink the better it helps to clear the body of harmful substances and wastes. Some women habituate themselves to drink 5 to 6 and more liters of water daily after what they cannot be satisfied with less amount of liquid.
Strike a happy medium
Make it a rule to consume daily 40 ml of water for 1 kg of mass of an adult person. In other words, given the mass of 50 kg it is necessary to consume 1750 to 2000 ml of liquid. This amount includes liquid that we consume together with food products such as soups, fruits and vegetables. Of course, in hot weather water requirement increases and in cold weather it reduces a little. But in winter during heating season water requirement increases due to low air humidity. That is why remember to drink water in cold season, the more especially as the body has to warm and moisten the cold air breathed in. Greater amount of water may be required by nursing women, and also after eating much and in diseases with high body temperature.
But retain a sense of proportion. Just listen to your body. By the way, in lungs infections overconsumption of liquid may raise the risk of cerebral edema.
Warm water is better absorbed
Temperature of liquid may vary. It is recommended to drink both warm beverages and beverages of room temperature. Too hot liquid not only effects enamel of teeth but also irritates much the mucus membrane of the throat, the esophagus and the stomach. Love of very hot tea leads to high vulnerability of the stomach walls. To quench thirst, it is better to drink water close to your body’s temperature. This will contribute to better absorption of the liquid. Whereas, when you drink very cold beverages it is a huge temperature swing that takes place in the body that may cause a spasm of the vocal cords and you may lose your voice for some period of time. And the body itself may obtain a whole bunch of inflammatory diseases from a common cold to pneumonia.
Besides, icy cocktails may shock the stomach, especially in those people who have a sensitive and sick stomach.
Avoid drinking tea and water on a full stomach
It is especially concerned people suffering from overweight. This is because that food diluted with liquid leaves the stomach faster, so, you become hungry just after eating.
Besides, regular drinking of liquid just after eating provokes heartburn. So, if you have a predisposition to heartburn you should drink 2 or 3 hours after eating, 3 or 4 swallows every 20 or 30 minutes. If a food is very spicy, fat or dry it is better to wash it down with mineral water or warm herbal tea without sugar. When eating a usual food drinking is not recommended.
Water, juices and other beverages are recommended to be drunk 15 to 40 minutes before eating. This is due to the fact that water leaves the stomach 10 minutes after it was drunk and gets into the small intestine where it is immediately absorbed in the blood via the mucus membrane.
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