Chronic Dehydration

Chronic dehydration affects everyone who does not drink enough fluids.

Dehydration Effects

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Dehydration Facts

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Home » Dehydration Facts

What causes dehydration?

What causes dehydration?

The reasons of dehydration of the body are diverse. The normal body’s state of hydration is a matter of proper balance between the water consumed and water excreted. The reason of the dehydration may be simple, as drinking not enough water, and as more complicated as abnormal water quantity loss with diarrhea or vomiting.

Medical drugs can also increase fluid loss. As the body receives water through the intestine any disorders in the intestinal absorption (after surgery, for example) lead to dehydration.

One Comment »

  • Jim Harper said:

    I played golf on Monday, August 2nd and it was very hot and a few times I became a little dizzy after squatting down to spot the ball or line up a putt. I was drinking a lot of water and also drank a Gator Aid. This morning (8/5) after I had been up for about an hour or so, I begin to feel light headed and my stomach felt upset for about 15-20 minutes. My wife says I was dehydrated, is it normal for it to take this amount of time before the symptoms appear?

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